Calgary Stockyards Bred Sale ft. 240 Fox Cattle Co. Bred Heifers

Auction Details

Bred Sale streaming live from Strathmore! 1:00 PM MST start.

Online bidding available here on TEAM!

Fox Cattle Co. - 240 Bred Heifers
200 Black Angus/Black Angus X Bred Heifers
-Start calving 2nd week in March (28 day exposure)
-Bred to proven Black Simm Low BW Bulls for 28 days
-Full herd health program
-Forage fed - no grain! 95% barley silage, 2% canola meal, 2% molasses, 1% probiotic
-1/2 moderate framed - 1100lbs
-1/2 larger framed - 1250lbs

40 Red Simm X Bred Heifers
-Here is a tremendous set of Red Simm X bred heifers!
-Bred to easy calving, low BW Black Simm bulls
-Calving mid March with a very tight 28 DAY EXPOSURE
-Pyramid FP5 + Presponse SQ, 8-Way, Ivemectin pre-breeding, ultra-sound preg-checked in August and again before leaving next week
-95% barley silage, 2% conola meal, 2% molasses, 1% probiotic with free choice mineral

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